BREAKING THE BINARY: a poetic discussion on queerness in jamaica & the caribbean
Breaking the Binary is moon's debut anthology. including poetry and photography, this collection features LGBTQI+ persons from across the Caribbean and diaspora, discussing the collective experiences of intersectionality that occur through existing as both queer and Caribbean across multiple generations. Breaking the Binary is an exploration of identity and the history of homophobia within colonized spaces, with a primary focus on Jamaica.

mi amor propio no es irrespetuoso
No alimentarƩ tu ego
para probar mi amor
porque su apetito es demasiado grande
requiere demasiado
y me tragarĆa entero
y aun estar insatisfecho
mi amor propio no es irrespetuoso
mi amor propio no es egoista
es autoconservaciĆ³n
es una amabilidad
a un alma abandonada
una negativa a ser una soluciĆ³n rĆ”pida
a tu hambre interminable